Speaking as someone who HAS in fact experience full cathartic release on 5-MeO-DMT, please speak for yourself, not "we" here. I have zero doubt anymore about any of this so-ha dream we call "life" - or the awakened possibilities on the other side that we label "death" (only the body dies, as I learned even before 5 serving in Zen Hospice). You omit a very important point here: the spiritual container you pour this plant medicine into matters. The more powerful the spiritual container, the more powerful the transmissions from Gaia/Maitri (i.e., the meaning-saturated continuum, or dharmadhatu). "Know dreams as dreams, and constantly meditate on their profound significance." (Tilopa to Naropa on the River Ganges).
P.S. I love your sharing on the first experience! All very true. Thank you.